
Showing posts from June, 2018

What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Yurang Wi

Using the Wikipedia, there had some points of improvement. The first is that the reliance of users' behavior is unduly high. To be advanced constantly, Wikipedia need the effort of individual participants. It means that they have to attract all the time new contributors who afford to share their effort to Wikipedia. There has only a few way to achieve that, which means no marketing tools at Wikipedia, it has limits to expandability. I think it is one of the Wikipedia's current issues. The second is on funding. Most of Wikipedia' operating costs rely on contribution of users. Absence of clear source of funds might be an element of risk in future. If this stated issues are get solved, Wikipedia will still existing in future.

What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Sujin Park

I think Wikipedia will still exist in the future. But I think Wikipedia needs to be competitive in a capitalist society. There are some things that can make Wikipedia more attractive, including a clean interface and specialized administrators. Wouldn't it be better to introduce competitive methods such as advertising and investment? The fourth industrial revolution has arrived. Wikipedia's information in the big data arena is very competitive. This is because it is a credible information that is recognized by many people. Of course not all writings are like that. In this regard, many professional managers will need to keep an eye on the text and ask it to be revised or removed if it is unreliable.

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Clément Chevallier

Since 2001, people can search information on Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia evolved a lot during these 17 previous years. So the question of its future is interesting. Wikipedia is one of the most visited website in the world and has a big community. The encyclopedia can survive thanks to the support and the fidelity of this community. One of the key to continue to exist is to follow and adapt to new trends and new technologies. But it costs money and Wikipedia is dependant of donations from the users. Wikipedia can choose to keep this system and to count on the support of its community or change its business model to have other sources of wage. Infact, the question of having enough money to survive is paramount to determine if Wikipedia will exist in 20, 50 or 100 years. The existence of Wikipedia in the future depends also on the competition with other websites. Some websites will probably offer new form of collective intelligence. If they are more popular or easier to use, W...

W15. What is the future of wikipedia? Will it be exist in 20 years? - Dong-Joon, Yoo

Prior to the creation of Wikipedia, people had not gathered the information easily they needed. However, Wikipedia has given the character of collective intelligence to the Internet space, so that many people can collaborate and share opinions and develop information continuously. Wikipedia expanded its forces as soon as it launched its services in 2001, becoming a vast dictionary of more than 260 languages. The strength of Wikipedia is that it can update information in real time. As the number of participants increased, the amount of information became rich. The success of Wikipedia has also accelerated the emergence of various media. But there is also controversy. As the spread of false information increases, the credibility of information is questioned, and the level and accuracy of information raises many questions. There are also other threats. It is the emergence of smartphone. A recent Pew Research Center report found that 39 of the top 50 news sites received m...

W15 blog topic: What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Jong Hoon Park

As I have argued since the beginning of the semester, Wikipedia seems hard to maintain its reputation at least in Korea. In fact, Wikipedia was a success abroad, and it was hard to escape the hardships of Korea. It is true that this collective intelligence system is still new to our country, and the existence of alternatives such as the tree wikis may be one of the factors that has prevented our nation from succeeding. So in conclusion, the future in Korea looks uncertain. But outside of Korea, Wikipedia users are also growing, and a lot of progress is being made as many articles and materials are piling up. So clearly, Wikipedia will exist in the future, and it will improve. However, I am very concerned about Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a nonprofit organization and is run on sponsorship. So, it seems like there will be a difficult part in the end, a financial crisis, or a hard way to encourage participants. I personally wish Wikipedia would grow as a company. In the end, I thi...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Hyerim Won

The era in which we live is a society in which everything must change and be accepted quickly. So, hundreds of years later, I can not easily answer the question about whether Wikipedia exists. However, there are a lot of universal encyclopedias, but it is the most important advantage of Wikipedia that editors who is normal can participate and share. So Wikipedia is the center of collective intelligence. Wikipedia is essentially made possible by devices such as the Internet and computers. Then, several decades and hundreds of years later, other devices will emerge. Also, new information will continue to arise in the future, and Wikipedia contributors will continue to modify and still discuss. If so, only the 'stage' where information can be exchanged and opinions can be changed. We need to understand the problems of Wikipedia that are still being raised and think about how to apply them in a new society to be developed in the future. Although it is a personalized society, I t...

W15 .what is the future of wikipedia? will it be exist in 20 years? Yun-Jin Kim

Like everything does, if there’s a Start, there’s an End Wikipedia, in 20 years, might be existing no more, because these days, world changes in fast. Devices are changing in a year and fast. Media are based on devices so that changing device means media consumption could be changed. Wikipedia will face to the End But not right now. It’ll be existing several years but still has a flaw. It must improve its mobile web. Writing in Wikipedia has trouble with moblie device. But these days everyone has mobile. Especially in South Korea. If Wikipedia doesn’t improve their mobile web, it would go to the end soon.  To survive for 20, 50 years, it needs to be simple and short. But wikipedia has their own regulation that everything has their own references. So this regulation makes wikipedia trustful but also long and boring.  It seems that surviving for 20 years might be hard. But wikipedia is a very meaningful web site in online history.

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20years? 50? 100? - Geonju Lee

With the development of the Internet and media, the online world has become the most free and complicit medium. People can express their opinions with simple text, and their participation is unlimited. So is Wikipedia. Anyone can participate in making this free encyclopedia. Not by force, but by choice. The future of Wikipedia is positive. It won't disappear. However, the problem that exists in Wikipedia should be supplemented. The first is neutrality. John Milton, an English scholar, talked about the free market concept of thought. In the free market of thought, if truth and falsehood compete, truth will prevail in the end. So is Wikipedia. In Wikipedia, people filter out false information and erase biased words. The results of this process can not be seen in a short time. It takes a very long time. However, in the end, we will find the truth in Wikipedia, the free market. I also believe that this is the realization of democracy in the online world. Secondly, the technical as...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100?

In this course we learn a lot about Wikipedia and with all the knowledge I get I can say that Wikipedia is a really great initiative which needs a lot of work and where many persons are involved to make it works. And more and more people are willing to make it a better online free encyclopedia. Moreover Wikipedia is the typical representation of the free culture which is a growing concept in nowadays society. So as far as I am concern I think Wikipedia will still existing for the few next years but in some conditions. Even if Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia and even if people who are involved into revise the different articles to make sure that they are relevant with different kind of sources, I think Wikipedia should let other people who are less involved in it and who don’t know all this operation behind the articles to be relevant and reliable on that there is this kind of process. People usually don’t know that most of the articles on Wikipedia are reviewed to make sure that...

What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100?

 I felt using Wikipedia for years in class. Wikipedia is a service that specializes in English. I think this is a natural result. It is because Wikipedia is a service that started in the United States, and English is so universal that it has the formula of world official language. Therefore, there was very little information about other languages except English, and the number of users was significantly lower. The example includes South Korea. Because accurate and informative quality articles are concentrated in the English language, many people who fail to overcome language barriers have been unable to properly utilize Wikipedia.  But I expect the future to be different. Because translation technology is growing very much every day. Thanks to the translation technology, mankind hopes to live in a world where language barriers are low. I also agree. Thus, in the future, we will have a lower entry barrier to the language we have been through using Wikipedia. In other words,...

W15. What is the future of wikipedia? Will it be exist in 20 years? - JaeIg Lee (이재익)

Information Sociology  2014048595  JaeIg Lee (이재익) Summary This week, I thought about the future of Wikipedia. Wikipedia survived amid the disappearance of big portal sites ' Yahoo! ' and 'Paran'.  What is the power of Wikipedia? I don't think it's just because of global recognition and influence. In fact, running Wikipedia would not require such high technology. It simply provides and manages servers that can create, manage and share knowledge. Such simple technology alone is more interesting than other websites and applications that apply highly sophisticated technology. It is also very steadily. I think it is because the purpose and purpose of being free and open has reached many people around the world. And the impact of Wikipedia will be even greater in the world as Internet connectivity will expand. In the future, Wikipedia will exist as long as the Internet environment is maintained and users are available. Interesting Point Perhaps it...

W15 .what is the future of wikipedia? will it be exist in 20 years?- Tae joon Yoo

Nearly 20 years have passed since Wikipedia appeared. When Wikipedia first appeared, it seemed no different than other common Internet search sites. However, Wikipedia has become an encyclopedia with credibility and reputation comparable to the current encyclopedia. Wikipedia also taught other lessons, as well as simply the accuracy of the dictionary. It teaches the value of participation, openness and sharing. Through this class, I learned that the concept of shared tragedy does not always apply. Wikipedia has transported knowledge around the world and taught them about participation and responsibility. In Wikipedia, maximizing individual interests has not resulted in all economic players losing their shared resources due to overspending. Instead, Wikipedia has taught us that more sharing makes us richer and everyone can benefit. Wikipedia has shown the collaboration and coexistence of individuals with collective intelligence. The future of Wikipedia can be predicted by what W...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? Kim Byung Chan

 1. Summary  Wikipedia is being updated 24 hours a day through collective intelligence. So the contents of Wikipedia are more empathy and reality than other encyclopedias. But when I think of it, this is a problem of Wikipedia. Wikipedia has only content updates. Since the smartphone revolution, its power has been tremendously strong, so many Internet sites are providing interfaces for smartphones. But Wikipedia is not. It is an inconvenient interface to use in smartphones. In order to use Wikipedia easily, it is better to access via laptop or desktop.  Wikipedia's methods and information do not let them easily disappear. The information is still used by many people. However, the development of the Internet will increase access to information more and more to public. I do not know when people around the world will have easy access to the Internet, but I think use of Wikipedia will gradually decline if a new revolution does not happen in Wikipedia.  Wikipe...

W14. What did I learn in this course? Kim Byung Chan

1. Summary  I took a lecture on 'Collective Intelligence' this semester. As learned in class, Collective intelligence is the collective ability that many people have gained through co-operation or competition. In addition to 'collective intelligence' lectures, many lectures require 'team play'. This team play allows us to exercise collective intelligence. In 'collective intelligence', Wikipedia was taken as an example of collective intelligence.   Wikipedia is an encyclopedia available in real time around the world If people have an environment where people can use the internet. This Wikipedia is complete with addition and modification of people. We have created ID, created new articles and modified them to participate in this collective intelligence. In this process, we adapted to the Wikipedia interface. I learned techniques such as adding hyperlinks, adding site links, and using copyrighted photos only. The ability to write was also upgraded na...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Solène Huille

Wikipedia was created in 2001. The future of Wikipedia is a very interesting question. Indeed, in this world where everything changes so fast, how Wikipedia will evolve? The question of week 15 is similar to the question of the week 13, but I think in a different perspective. As Wikipedia is a community, its evolution really depends on the users and contributors. Wikipedia is the biggest encyclopedia in the world so I think it will exist in 20 years, but I am not sure in 100 years, because it is far and difficult to say. Many things will be different in one century. It is also necessary to notice that Wikipedia can disappear in some languages if the global contribution is not enough and exist in other ones. The website of Wikipedia itself will be different. Today, the presentation is not always easy to find some contents, so I think it will be easier and the presentation will be clearer. Nowadays and in general in the 21 st century, the changes happen very fast. And Wi...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100-Cho jiwon

Wikipedia is a representative example of collective intelligence, and it provides a vast amount of knowledge to many people free of charge. But now the future of Wikipedia is uncertain. The reason is the emergence of smartphones. Since the introduction of smartphones, most people look for news and information on their smartphones. In fact, mobile news usage is growing rapidly, and mobile news usage rates in the 20s and 30s exceed 90%. But Wikipedia is a site optimized for non-mobile computers. Everything you need to find references or write articles is optimized for your computer. So, the inflow of users to Wikipedia and the distribution of information is getting smaller. To solve this problem facing Wikipedia, it is necessary to create a mobile-optimized editing environment. Until now, many users still use Wikipedia, but the number will continue to decrease as time goes by. Wikipedia should strive to escape this threat. It will determine their survival.

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20years? 50? 100? - Seron Kim

 Today, technology continues to evolve, and the world changes day by day. The world of the Internet is the same. Many sites will grow, disappear and change depending on the number of users. Will Wikipedia be affected by this? What will happen to the future of Wikipedia? I think Wikipedia will exist for 20, 50, and 100 years without disappearing.    As I mentioned in the previous article, Wikipedia is one of the large-scale sites used by various people around the world. People get the information they need through Wikipedia and share it with others. And everybody who uses Wikipedia gets the right to edit after only a few steps. As a result, Wikipedia users can edit and edit information in Wikipedia anywhere, anytime, and create new articles without content. Unlike traditional encyclopedias, this is a very unique and innovative strategy.    Through this feature, Wikipedia has been developed to the present through the efforts and contributions of m...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100 HanBin Bae

The rapidly changing mobile industry and the cost of mobile data can 't be held back to Wikipedia. And the fact that older volunteers are not encouraging new participants is a phenomenon that could threaten the future growth of the site.bIt is leading to a problem. Wikipedia is working hard to solve this. Quora, who is considered to have been applied to Wikipedia's Q & A service, has been running since its inception in January 2010. It has been recognized for $ 80 million in corporate value and maintained an investment of $ 11 million in just two months. Quora, which utilizes multimedia and agent functions, is also receiving attention as a future service. In response to the search term entered, the people who have received two to three minutes of voice information and photos or videos in the form of a documentary. It is a service that delivers. The average Wikipedia page has many links, and there are a lot of news websites, research journals, other Wikipedia pages, and much...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100 - Sun Bo Sim

1. Summary The future of Wikipedia will evolve to the fourth industrial revolution Wikipedia is a representative model of Web 2.0. It is the most significant feature of "Bidirectional" that users can directly produce information and interact with each other, as can be seen from Wikipedia's image. But the future should change from the Web 2.0 era to the Web 3.0 era. It is an intelligent web technology that allows a computer to understand what is on a web page and provide personalized information.  Here, Wikipedia should play a role in providing personalized knowledge to individuals. I think it is the future of Wikipedia to introduce artificial intelligence technology, which is the technology of the 4th industrial revolution, so that artificial intelligence computers make articles about the knowledge that individuals need. 2. Interesting Point What we need to think about is if computers are writing articles in future wikipedia, then computers should produce articl...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100 Information sociology 2015048986 천병헌 1. Summary  Since 2001, Wikipedia has made many improvements. Approximately 70,000 people participated in editing in more than 100 languages. Wikipedia has become the most popular reference in the world. But now the future of Wikipedia is uncertain.  The first reason is because smart phones appeared. Of the actual 50 news sites, 39 are more mobile than computer visitors. This change implies a challenge to Wikipedia that relied on editors sitting in front of their computers to find and discuss references through the keyboard.  The second reason is information distortion problem. The biggest problem of Wikipedia's past and today is the crisis of credibility. Wikipedia seeks freedom because everyone can write. And anyone can access it. Subject, content, and editing were all left to the editor, and Wikipedia was able to gather massive data in a short period o...

W15. what is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100?-Ji Young, An

I think this topic is kind of similar to what I have written in last week blog topic. I think Wikipedia will exist in our future and more people in the world will use Wikipedia. I could say it will exist in 20 years but I could not confidently say that Wikipedia will exist in 50 or 100 years. Because the world is changing faster and faster. But I could say that collective intelligence will be more powerful and popular in future. So I think sites or programs like Wikipedia will exist in more than 50 years. But I think its appearance will be quite different from today’s figure. Because while the world is changing, the technology is changing either. And I could not even assure that how will technology change in 20 years. Because the technology has been developed so rapidly from 1900s and its category of development got wider and wider. So I could not even guess how our life will be changed in 100 years. But if we just look Wikipedia as the figure of collective intelligence, I could care...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - ChaeHyeon Lee

I think this question is a extension of the question "can Wikipedia disappear?" Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, but it has more than an encyclopedia. Wikipedia is based on collective intelligence and spontaneity. It can be concluded that efforts to increase people's participation rate and active discussion in various fields can make Wikipedia more active. I am having fun editing in Wikipedia. I did not think of Wikipedia as a credible encyclopedia before I used Wikipedia. But using Wikipedia enabled me to see its charm and changed my mind to trust its information Wikipedia's information. So I think changing people's perceptions will affect the sustainability of Wikipedia.   Even if users decrease, Wikipedia will still exist in the future. But in order to remain a popular encyclopedia, I think that change will be the key to the future of Wikipedia. There are many online encyclopedias around the world. However, not all online encyclopedias have many users. Po...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100

1. Summary In order for something to disappear, something must become useless. In other words, for Wikipedia to disappear, Wikipedia should become useless. What does it take for Wikipedia to become useless? And how long will it take? 2. Interesting Point Let's go back to the beginning. What is Wikipedia? Wikipedia can be organized as an Internet encyclopedia utilizing collective intelligence. One of the most important principles of Wikipedia is the pursuit of justice, neutrality, and legitimate sources. What is the purpose of Wikipedia? Wikipedia wants to provide the right information to everyone, anywhere on the Internet. The following conditions are required for Wikipedia to disappear. 1. No longer need an Internet encyclopedia. 2. The world does not pursuit justice, a government dominates, and the media fall. 3. The internet disappears. Conditions 2 and 3 are actually very difficult to happen. So what about the first condition? As if in the movie's matrix, Trini...

W15 blog topic: What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - kimjongchan

  Like my blog post two weeks ago, there is a danger on Wikipedia. Wikipedia can not deny that it is an aggregation of collective intelligence. It should be remembered as the greatest achievement that mankind has ever achieved. However, the dangers presented by Wikipedia show the risk of undermining this achievement. I think Wikipedia should not disappear for the sake of collective intelligence in mankind. Yet Wikipedia is not complete. This will not be simply a matter of years. It can take more than 100 years or more. Although we are living in an information society, we will know that knowledge in various fields is still scattered. It is very difficult to figure this out because it is scattered with various fields of expertise, common sense and so on. Wikipedia believes it will remove these difficulties. If Wikipedia's risk persists, I think it will be dangerous, but it must be eliminated and completed.   We took a class of collective intelligence during the ...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - MinSeung Sung

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - MinSeung Sung 2016062706 Ten years have passed since the introduction of the collective intelligence of Mecca, Wikipedia. through civic participation. When Wikipedia first appeared on January 15, 2001, it was regarded as a collection of information that was prevalent on the Internet at that time. But now it has an intellectual reputation comparable to the Encyclopedia encyclopedia. It is not just the English version. The Korean version also opened in 2002 and is available in 278 languages worldwide. Within 10 years, Wikipedia has become simply the best archive of information on the Internet. I think the future of Wikipedia will change with their actions. What is clear, however, is that information and knowledge, led by existing experts and minorities, have been converted into citizen-led ways. It can be seen in the wiki style, but it can be evaluated as an evolution of citizen engagement journalism, wher...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Yeonju Heo

When writing a post on W.13, I thought that Wikipedia would not disappear. To write this post, I read my last post. There was one comment. The comment was that more innovative and new sites in the future could replace Wikipedia. I agree with that to some extent. People are easier and more accessible to new sites. But I can not be sure when it will happen. And that does not mean that Wikipedia will disappear. Wikipedia has a vast amount of data. The new site may be a more innovative Wikipedia. Writing articles is easier, at a glance, and can be a newer form of Wikipedia. Because creating a new platform and gathering new information is costly. Even if there are a whole new site to replace Wikipedia, Wikipedia will not disappear. If there are new and innovative sites, people will use them more. But Wikipedia will remain like an encyclopedia still exists. Users will shrink and lose vigor, but Wikipedia will be 'in existence'. No one will be able to easily remove that much amou...

W14 blog topic: What did I learn in this course? - Yurang Wi

In this course, I learn about the two of things. First, How Wikipedia works. Before I had taken this course, I was just one of the users of Wikipedia. I didn't know how it works, and what is collective intelligence means actually. But now, I can explain how this encyclopedia works by contributors from all around world and bring the most perfect example of collective intelligence. It is one of significant things that I has learned from this course. Second, the doubt: Can it possible to define the absolute knowledge? Before I had participate in editing on Wikipedia, I had thought that knowledge is firmly defined by experts in each fields. Surprisingly, however, I saw experts in same fields defined same phenomenon differently. And sometimes the acknowledged encyclopedia also make controversial issue to defining word. So I got a doubt whether it is possible to define the absolute knowledge. In this sight, Wikipedia might be one of the most advanced types of encyclopedia. Any inform...

W14 blog topic: What did I learn in this course? - kimjongchan

Through this lecture, I learned about Wikipedia for the first time. I've heard of collective intelligence, but I've never done it. Through Wikipedia, where collective intelligence is being realized, I could see human possibilities.  In Wikipedia, I could see many conflicts besides collective intelligence. Even if it started with a good intention, we could see many problems.  My knowledge seemed to have increased as I learned Wikipedia through this lecture. I could also learn the pleasure of sharing knowledge. I gained a lot from this lecture, but the biggest thing I learned is how to work on Wikipedia. At first, Wikipedia was difficult. Because the interface was harder than I expected. However, I could get used to it by continuing to learn from the lecture. The many videos and lectures that the professor showed me were also very helpful. In addition to using Wikipedia, I also saw how useful collective intelligence was and was essential to 21st century society. In an informatio...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - ChaeHyeon Lee

I learned about Wikipedia and collective intelligence this semester. I learned clearly what I knew about Wikipedia, such as how to write articles, copyright issues and so on. I learnde Copyrights through the Creative Commons License (CCL). The Creative Commons License (CCL) was what I already knew. However, I only recognized it as an icon to mark the copyright, and it was the first time to upload photos or work. If it weren't just for other purposes, I wouldn't have taken the copyright seriously. However, in order to upload to Wikipedia, I had to check the copyright. Then a phrase that restricts the second processing came into my eye. After I learned how to mark the copyright, the sign seemed important to me, as if you can see only as much as you know.   I did the Wikipedia assignment last semester. The assignment then was to make my article, and this task was to make articles and edit articles on Wikipedia every week. When I first started editing, I did not like someo...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Yeonju Heo

   I learned about Wikipedia in this semester class. I wrote an article in Wikipedia last semester, but I did not know much about Wikipedia. But this semester, I wrote articles and learned more about what Wikipedia is. I was able to learn about Wikipedia through a variety of topics, including the characteristics of Wikipedia, people writing articles on Wikipedia, copyright, biased Wikipedia.    The most interesting of these was that many people are working for 'free' for Wikipedia. At first, I could not understand why people work for Wikipedia free of charge. However, I heard the opinions of other students about the reason, and I was able to comprehend them by writing my own articles.    What was most beneficial was about copyright. I work mainly on the team project to make the presentation file. I had trouble finding the photos. The sites that provide free pictures often did not have my favorite pictures. I learned about Creative Commons. I was able to s...

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? / posted by Sojeong Yeon

             In the last blog post, I told that the Wikipedia couldn't disappear. About this question, "Will Wikipedia exist in 20 years? 50? 100?" I want to answer "Yes. It will exist in 20 years." I think Wikipedia will not be disappear as long as people have a desire to create somethings and to share those thing with others. As I told before, people want to help others who are not directly related to themselves. There are some principles related to 'moral reciprocity' and 'self-satisfaction' through Wikipedia. The reason why they continue to write and edit an article could be related to "self-gratification" or "immaterial profit".     Some people write articles to make it their own 'career' and sometimes they write articles about areas they are interested in as hobbies. Wikipedia also helps that they enhance their professionalism and knowledge by writing articles about what they knows well. Of course, there ...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Sujin Park

The end is near. I've been taking this class for three months now. What did I learn from this class? I didn't know anything about Wikipedia until I took this class. But now I know clearly. Wikipedia is a place of collective intelligence. In Wikipedia, you can develop and share my knowledge with others. I participated here through class. He tried many revisions and talked to many people. It was a very interesting activity. And through this experience, I was able to realize the basic structure of the article on Wikipedia. Then I wrote about my chosen topic, Jige. It was very difficult to create a new article. But now with some completion I am quite pleased with that. I think the world needs more collective intelligence. This is clear, considering that most of the school classes are based on team play.

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Seron Kim

Through this course, I realized a lot. Before I took this course, I used 'Knowledge in' operated by Naver in Korea or search on Google if I have information that I do not know or need to find. I knew there was a site called Wikipedia, but I did not know how many people used it and how often. Wikipedia only thought it was one of the electronic encyclopedias. However, after I took this lesson, the perception of Wikipedia site completely changed.   First, I realized that Wikipedia is a great site. Wikipedia is a site that is used by everyone in the world, not just one country. And anyone can upload information and share information freely. Anyone can also easily edit information anywhere, anytime, if have insufficient or incorrect information. It's not just a simple electronic encyclopedia, it's something that can be constantly revised and supplemented, which I think is a great idea. It was also surprising that even within this freedom, Wikipedia has its own guide...

W14. What did I learn in this course? / posted by Sojeong Yeon

          I learned about how to use Wikipedia and how to write an Wikipedia article in last course. I knew the Wikipedia which is an encyclopedia before, but I began to use Wikipedia and edit in its site in earnest from last year. In this course, I could knew and learned deeply Wikipedia as the place of collective intelligence. I learned the history of Wikipedia, the value of its encyclopedia, the process of collective intelligence, the free culture of it etc. Above of all things, I got to know about the concept of copyright and the Creative Commons licences(CCL). Last semester, I first knew Wiki commons and the way to upload and use pictures in it. But I tried using other sites which follow the CCL. In last class, we talked about how creative commons is used in Korean and internationally and what some business models are using it. I searched many sites related to creative commons than I thought.    Among them, 'Shared yard' is a Korean s...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Clément Chevallier

When I chose the course "Collective Intelligence in Practice", I did not really know what expect. I knew that we will work on Wikipedia and I was scared because I never wrote an article before. During this class, I learnt how to modify add an article, including text, pictures, links, references... When my first article was available on the online encyclopedia, I was so proud of me ! In addition, I enjoy a lot when I upload my own pictures on Wikipedia. I also learnt how to communicate with other users and integrate a great community. I like when I receive help from unknow people and help others in return. This class was also a good way to learn more and debate about some interesting concepts as reliability, online civility, free culture or consensus. Indeed, I rarely talk about these kind of subjects during my previous courses. I think this class is important because we understand more what is Internet 2.0 and the sharing economy, which are important issues for the pres...

w14. What did i learn in this course?-Tae Joon YOO

Through this class, I have revised and written many articles on Wikipedia. Before that, the class had been editing Wikipedia, but it is the first time to revise and write a weekly article. And we were able to learn more about the growing Wikipedia editing, not just writing text, but finding sources of writing within Wikipedia, or finding and inserting pictures. And above all, I think I was able to understand the concept of copyright. Copyright is the most important concept in an information age and one of the most disputable concepts to be in this age of information. When adding pictures to Wikipedia through Wiki commons, we find and use unprivileged pictures, or write e-mails to those who own the copyright of the pictures, for example. Through this, we learned not only about writing but also about the ownership of writing and the ownership of photography. Above all, I was able to understand the concept of collective intelligence. I was able to understand the mechanisms of ho...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Solène Huille

Wikipedia is a very famous encyclopedia used all over the world. Before this course, I used to use Wikipedia but only to check some information on the net or to search something. Indeed, I thought that it is an easy way to have access to many articles and many knowledge fields. Nevertheless, when I was in high school, our teachers wanted us to be careful about Wikipedia use because sometimes, there are mistakes. For me, Wikipedia was a good mean to begin researches about something. During this class, I learnt a lot because I didn't edit something on Wikipedia before and the concept of collective intelligence was not really clear for me. The most important thing I learnt is that Wikipedia is a big community and is free. The sharing of knowledge is necessary even if you think you can add only a little sentence or picture to improve an article. There are also some rules on Wikipedia and each user has to respect these rules. It is useful to have moderators to moderate sometimes ...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Dong-Joon, Yoo

Dong-Joon, Yoo 1. Summary In the last semester, I was introduced to Wikipedia through a lecture on ‘Globalization’. In fact, I had difficulty because I used it for the first time, but thanks to the basic skills, I was able to finish well. In this semester, I had another fun while listening to classes based on Wikipedia once again. This class seems to have used Wikipedia almost every day because it has more tasks than before. I was able to learn more advanced technology than last semester and have an opportunity to meet another society and community. I am also trying to edit deeply than my last semester. I was able to learn many things through Wikipedia which is the representation of collective intelligence. I was able to learn about collective intelligence while exchanging ideas and opinions through discussions. Learning about the importance and problems of free culture and collaboration, I realized that what is important and more important to the group than the individu...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - Hyerim Won

First of all, I learned the existence of Wikipedia surely through this lesson. Prior to this lesson, it was a just 'website' that I can get information. However, after taking this lesson, I am able to find out how to make better use of Wikipedia by doing the task of  editing Wikipedia and searching data. For example, I can understand better through a reference that is the source of information I want to know, or I can share it in depth with people. Also, when I edited Wikipedia, I thought that there were many users. (Although of course it is a small percentage and it is better more people use wikipedia to share and discuss). So I became a chance to study copyright again.  I found that even sites that share a work for free were limited in scope depending on the type of copyright set by the creator. Also, I become good at finding materials. Finding articles and academic journals in online school libraries is not an easy experience at school. However, I used the school library...

W14. What did I learn in this course?. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

W14. What did I learn in this course? Information sociology 2015048986 천병헌 1. Summary   I took classes in "collective intelligence" and "everyday life sociology". In this process, I had many difficulties. It was very difficult to find information when using Wikipedia. I did not know how to approach. But I learned sandbox while listening to class. Also, it became understandable by learning connection links and sending messages.  Various techniques have helped me edit my Wikipedia. When I edit Wikipedia's information every week, I try to understand Korean culture and culture of other countries. And I tried to find fact-oriented articles and papers. During this process, I was exchanging discussions with many people. I gave feedback on my article and I revised it again. So, I am now able to improve the article writing ability of Wikipedia. Sometimes my friends refer to Wikipedia. Each time my friends see my article and ask. "Did you really make i...

W14. What did I learn in this course? Yun-Jin Kim

Before I learn about Wikipedia I have no interest in the Wikipedia. In Korea we have Naver instead of Wikipedia so that we don't need google or Wikipedia. But the difference between Naver and Wikipedia is that Wikipedia is collective information through people.   I never knew that so much cord and Wikipedia and I never knew that many people work in Wikipedia for collecting information. I also learned if I wanna add more information that I need reference to make my information strong. Also the copyrights is the most important thing in the Wikipedia. I learn how much Wikipedia tried their best to be neutral encyclopedia. But I think this Copyright and coords could make it writing Wikipedia hard. I did learn how to write information in Wikipedia and I also learned how to use copyrights in Wikipedia.

W14. What did I learn in this course? Geonju Lee

When I usually search something for my homework, Wikipedia always appears on Google. However, the Wikipedia I knew was not ' accurate ' and was not ' professional ' because many people were able to modify it frequently. However, I found that i misunderstood Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a type of collective intelligence, where people must reveal their sources when modifying information and be inspected by others. Instead of checking only one or two people, it is often possible for anyone who receives the information to check the accuracy. In addition, We can not enter personal blogs or information from sources without public trust. By doing so, Wikipedia increase professionalism. I also realized the importance of Wikipedia in terms of communication. I think Wikipedia is an extremely advanced behavior in online communication. In two-way communication, people are creating their own media called the online encyclopedia online. This shows that passive Internet users are evolv...

W14. What did I learn in this course? Cho jiwon

Summary Now the semester is over. In this semester, I took two lessons of "sociology of everyday life" and "collective intellect" so that I wrote a lot of Wikipedia. So I have written as many articles as there are in the second of the students. As I wrote a lot of articles, my ability to write articles went up and I became more interested in Wikipedia. Wikipedia is called a representative example of collective intelligence. This is why Wikipedia considers the spirit of cooperation as important. The significance of Wikipedia is to inform people about the exact information. These things are not easy to accomplish with your own strength. I learned this "cooperation" attitude through this class. I also learned the fun of communicating the right knowledge. Finally, the 'TED' lectures I had seen in class were interesting. It was easy to understand a little more when I accompanied the contents which I had hard time to see in the text with the image. In...

W14. What did I learn in this course? - JaeIg Lee (이재익)

Information Sociology 2014048595 JaeIg Lee(이재익) Summary  The school year will be over soon. I learned about Wikipedia and its collective intelligence, shared culture, and free culture every hour. Discussions between team members and between teams helped to expand thinking. This was a very precious time. In particular, the most common recognition was the importance of references. Everything, even if it was an open fact and true, realized that an exact basis was necessary.    I also learned the joy of finding, sharing, editing, and reading knowledge. I used to spend two or three hours on Wikipedia in a flash. It was a very refreshing experience because it was not easy to feel in Internet learning. It has become a little natural in terms of English grammar. Reading, interpreting and writing English almost every day of the week has helped improve your writing and interpretation skills. English conversation skills have also improved. It was a great opportunity to speak a...

W14. What did I learn in this course?

1. Summary Two weeks later the class ends. What have I learned over the past three months? I am going to look back on three months of time through this blog topic. In fact, I was learning some of the wiki edits from "Sociology of Globalization," which was my last semester class. Since I had edited the "NamuWiki", I was somewhat familiar with the editing style of these Internet encyclopedias. Nonetheless, the way the Wikipedia was asked for accurate editing was hard on me too. Therefore, this class provided me with information to understand the collective intelligence and the principles of Wikipedia. The first thing I learned is how to edit Wikipedia. I have had access to several Prezi for editing Wikipedia, and I have been able to edit it with higher quality. I am very proud of this "Baekjeong" article that I am about to make new this semester. Secondly, what I have learned is the spirit of collaboration. Contrary to my past school days, where I lear...

W14. What did I learn in this course ? - Sun Bo Sim

1. Summary Through this course, I think there are two things I could learn. I learned about the concept of Wikipedia and I learned about the concept of copyright, called creative commons.  In Wikipedia, we have seen, in particular, the goals that Wikipedia pursues and the ethics that are needed and required to edit Wikipedia. Especially Wikipedia made a free encyclopedia and made it available to anyone. The memorable part of the process is that developers have tried to solve problems that are more male users than women. The ethical part was about censorship and vandalism, and the opportunity to think about the validity of censorship on this was interesting.  The second is the creative commons. The image of this license was easy to see on many sites, but I ignored it and did not know it properly. But I learned well through this course, and I knew the importance of it. It was beneficial to know the rules of use of the information used on various websites as well as when usi...