W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Solène Huille
Wikipedia was created in 2001. The future of Wikipedia is a very interesting
question. Indeed, in this world where everything changes so fast, how Wikipedia
will evolve?
The question of week 15 is similar to the question of the week 13, but I
think in a different perspective.
As Wikipedia is a community, its evolution really depends on the users
and contributors.
Wikipedia is the biggest encyclopedia in the world so I think it will
exist in 20 years, but I am not sure in 100 years, because it is far and
difficult to say. Many things will be different in one century.
It is also necessary to notice that Wikipedia can disappear in some
languages if the global contribution is not enough and exist in other ones.
The website of Wikipedia itself will be different. Today, the
presentation is not always easy to find some contents, so I think it will be
easier and the presentation will be clearer.
Nowadays and in general in the 21st century, the changes
happen very fast. And Wikipedia should adapt itself to survive, especially if
there is competition with other encyclopedias or knowledge websites.
Wikipedia is unique by the fact that everyone can edit and participate.
And, there is a utility because there are always articles to create and to
improve in this world of change.
In the future, it will be good to keep and to develop online communities
to share knowledge. Wikipedia has launched its mobile app to be more accessible.
But, do you think there will be different kind of tools for collective
intelligence in the future?
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