W15. what is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100?-Ji Young, An
I think this topic is kind of similar to
what I have written in last week blog topic. I think Wikipedia will exist in
our future and more people in the world will use Wikipedia. I could say it will
exist in 20 years but I could not confidently say that Wikipedia will exist in
50 or 100 years. Because the world is changing faster and faster. But I could
say that collective intelligence will be more powerful and popular in future.
So I think sites or programs like Wikipedia will exist in more than 50 years.
But I think its appearance will be quite different from today’s figure. Because
while the world is changing, the technology is changing either. And I could not
even assure that how will technology change in 20 years. Because the technology
has been developed so rapidly from 1900s and its category of development got
wider and wider. So I could not even guess how our life will be changed in 100
years. But if we just look Wikipedia as the figure of collective intelligence,
I could carefully say it will exist in the future. I think in the future, the
importance of consensus and collective intelligence will increase. So I think
Wikipedia will exist in our future.
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