W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Clément Chevallier

Since 2001, people can search information on Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia evolved a lot during these 17 previous years. So the question of its future is interesting.

Wikipedia is one of the most visited website in the world and has a big community. The encyclopedia can survive thanks to the support and the fidelity of this community.
One of the key to continue to exist is to follow and adapt to new trends and new technologies. But it costs money and Wikipedia is dependant of donations from the users. Wikipedia can choose to keep this system and to count on the support of its community or change its business model to have other sources of wage. Infact, the question of having enough money to survive is paramount to determine if Wikipedia will exist in 20, 50 or 100 years.
The existence of Wikipedia in the future depends also on the competition with other websites. Some websites will probably offer new form of collective intelligence. If they are more popular or easier to use, Wikipedia could dissapear.

Of course, it is difficult to predict the future. Maybe internet itself could disappear in the future if a better system is created.

Clément Chevallier.


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