W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100-Cho jiwon
Wikipedia is a representative example of collective intelligence, and it provides a vast amount of knowledge to many people free of charge. But now the future of Wikipedia is uncertain. The reason is the emergence of smartphones. Since the introduction of smartphones, most people look for news and information on their smartphones. In fact, mobile news usage is growing rapidly, and mobile news usage rates in the 20s and 30s exceed 90%.
But Wikipedia is a site optimized for non-mobile computers. Everything you need to find references or write articles is optimized for your computer. So, the inflow of users to Wikipedia and the distribution of information is getting smaller.
To solve this problem facing Wikipedia, it is necessary to create a mobile-optimized editing environment. Until now, many users still use Wikipedia, but the number will continue to decrease as time goes by. Wikipedia should strive to escape this threat. It will determine their survival.
But Wikipedia is a site optimized for non-mobile computers. Everything you need to find references or write articles is optimized for your computer. So, the inflow of users to Wikipedia and the distribution of information is getting smaller.
To solve this problem facing Wikipedia, it is necessary to create a mobile-optimized editing environment. Until now, many users still use Wikipedia, but the number will continue to decrease as time goes by. Wikipedia should strive to escape this threat. It will determine their survival.
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