W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100 - Sun Bo Sim
1. Summary
The future of Wikipedia will evolve to the fourth industrial
revolution Wikipedia is a representative model of Web 2.0. It is the most
significant feature of "Bidirectional" that users can directly produce
information and interact with each other, as can be seen from Wikipedia's
image. But the future should change from the Web 2.0 era to the Web 3.0 era. It
is an intelligent web technology that allows a computer to understand what is
on a web page and provide personalized information.
Here, Wikipedia should play a role in providing personalized knowledge to individuals. I think it is the future of Wikipedia to introduce artificial intelligence technology, which is the technology of the 4th industrial revolution, so that artificial intelligence computers make articles about the knowledge that individuals need.
Here, Wikipedia should play a role in providing personalized knowledge to individuals. I think it is the future of Wikipedia to introduce artificial intelligence technology, which is the technology of the 4th industrial revolution, so that artificial intelligence computers make articles about the knowledge that individuals need.
2. Interesting Point
What we need to think about is if computers
are writing articles in future wikipedia, then computers should produce
articles that people want, and think about what human role is.
Wikipedia will have to gather a lot of data about humans to generate the knowledge that is appropriate for individuals. So, in the past, humans will make articles that contain their knowledge in Wikipedia, while in the future they will provide Wikipedia with all the information related to individuals. If so, I think the computer can find articles that people need and that do not exist in the database.
In addition, as mentioned above, if providing Wikipedia with information about themselves contributes to the first Wikipedia, then the second is to act as a judge that classifies the articles produced by the computer as appropriate, We think that it is human figure to use.
Wikipedia will have to gather a lot of data about humans to generate the knowledge that is appropriate for individuals. So, in the past, humans will make articles that contain their knowledge in Wikipedia, while in the future they will provide Wikipedia with all the information related to individuals. If so, I think the computer can find articles that people need and that do not exist in the database.
In addition, as mentioned above, if providing Wikipedia with information about themselves contributes to the first Wikipedia, then the second is to act as a judge that classifies the articles produced by the computer as appropriate, We think that it is human figure to use.
3. Discussion Point
I wonder if Wikipedia can be maintained as a non-profit organization
in the future. Even if it does not happen, there will come a time when
technologies will evolve to introduce advanced technologies to Wikipedia. But I
wonder if it will be possible to develop through donation as it is now. When I
think of it, Wikipedia is expected to have financial difficulties in the
As you say, in the future, it would be hard to maintain a nonprofit organization just by donating Wikipedia. In the future, we anticipate that the site will not operate in ways other than donations.