
Showing posts from April, 2018

Extra posting : "Gapjil" controversy

Extra posting : "Gapjil" controversy Information sociology 2015048986 천병헌   Recently, there has been a controversy about 'Gapjil' in Korea. The 'Gapjil' controversy is that A exercises power over B and makes it rough. It can be easily seen in capitalist society such as Korea. For example, the president may violate or disadvantage the employee. Actually, In fact, a few years ago, there was a case of Korean Air "Nut rage incident". The general manager of the company abused his power. At the time, Joe Hyun-ae, a vice- president, had a problem with the in-flight service. She returned the plane for this reason. Most recently, there was a case in which Cho Hyun Min, the managing director of Korean Air, poured water on his employees and cursed them.   In Korea, "Gapjil" controversy is growing. This controversy is a serious problem created by capitalist society. As the money becomes more versatile, people take their lives for money. In ad...

W7. Why free culture matter? - Kim Byung Chan

1. Summary Before the speed of the Internet was as fast and active as it is now, many of the activities on the Internet were more free. It was lawlessness beyond freedom. Many Internet users did not recognize copyright. People freely shared creations that are not their own. However, the creations uploaded by copyright owners to gain profits also roam the Internet world for free. The owners of the copyright were angry and tried to take their rights. As a result of that effort, copyright law has become very powerful.  But as the copyright law became stronger, the free culture of the Internet developed as well. A free culture that is not illegal has begun to be made. Wikipedia is one of the most representative free culture. Wikipedia is an open encyclopedia for everyone. You can build up a lot of knowledge and information based on freedom in Wikipedia that you can use simply by signing up. Because Wikipedia is copyright-free, many people in the world have been able to get a lot of ...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? Yong il. Seon

1. Summary Discussions on "Why Free Culture matters?" Are often mentioned in the journalism department. Due to the development of the media, the word 'free culture' appeared naturally. But we can not just look at this phenomenon positively. Free culture is a phenomenon that transcends time and space and spreads the culture of each country. I think there are some problems in this process. The biggest problem that occurred in the past was 'cultural imperialism'. The powerful powers unilaterally infused culture into the weak countries and made ideological seizure. Recently, the word 'media imperialism' is often used instead of the term 'cultural imperialism'. This is also a one-sided culture by a powerful country, which is a matter in which culture is changed into media. The word "free culture" has become a means of concealing the interests of the great powers. There are some discourses related to this. It is cultural homogenization, ...

W7 : Why free culture matter ?

In a platform like Wikipedia, where everyone is able to share their knowledge and have access of others one knowledge, we can see that the “Free culture” is applicated. But in some works, on Wikimedia for example for the pictures when you decide to post they ask you if it is your own work and if you want a license on it, or if you want to let other users use your pictures. In the text the author is talking about copyright and its relation with free culture. If I have well understand the text, free culture matter because  copyright can stop other people creativity by denying them the right to copy the work but also the right to use it, to produce new things, original works that may be seen as deriving in some way from the work under copyright. For me it is true but copyright is to protect the personal work of someone, to stop other people to steal it or take benefits from it. So in a some way, I think that free culture matters only if a person want to share and let others ...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Sun Bo Sim

1. Summary I think that free culture is culture related to versatility that can be freely used by all people like Wikipedia. I think this culture has come up especially with the development of the Internet. There are many concepts related to free culture on the Internet. The free cultures that I know of are open source, copyleft, and open APIs. Except for copyleft, it is quite related to internet and I think that Wikipedia is also part of free culture. It is an API that allows Internet users to directly develop application programs and services without being unilaterally provided with web search results and user interface (UI). Map services and various services are being tried, and anyone can access and use them. It is important that both share something and share information Free culture is important in terms of sharing information. Today, the importance of information is rising to such an extent that the term information gap emerges. A person with a lot of information is a perso...

Extra posting : how did wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors ? - kim jong chan

The ratio of men to women in the world is about 1:1. However, the percentage of men in Wikipedia is close to 91 percent. Why does this happen?   I intend to take a global view of these matters. Around the world, two-thirds of the illiteracy rates are women. In addition, women's education rates are extremely low in the Third World countries that remain in a patriarchal society. In economically developed countries, women's education is similar to that of men. However, considering that the population of the three countries accounts for more than 60 percent of the world's population, women's education is low. This is not the only reason why the ratio of men to men is overwhelmingly high on Wikipedia. But I think this is a big reason.

W7 blog topic: Why Free Culture matters? - Jongchan kim

1. summary   Wikipedia is free content that anyone can use. Anyone can use it here, edit it and distribute it. This means that anyone can use it for free and that anyone can talk freely. This, in turn, means that nobody can own their own articles. So, you can modify your own articles. Wikipedia is completely different from existing copyright. If the existing copyright is applied, Wikipedia will not have a free culture or a free culture mix like now.   2. Interesting point   It is very interesting that there is no existing copyright system in Wikipedia. Copyright is an intellectual property right and it is one of the laws that have a very important meaning in the information age. It is paradoxical that such copyright is not in Wikipedia, which takes advantage of the world's largest collective intelligence. Wikipedia is a collection of people's efforts to use collective intelligence. Not only professionals, but also ordinary people can discuss artic...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - DongJoon, Yoo

2012047886 dong-joon, yoo 1. Summary Wikipedia is freely available licensed content that anyone can edit, use, modify, and distribute. Since all any contributions are freely licensed to the public,no editor owns any article. All contributions can will be mercilessly edited and redistributed. Perhaps the most important element of wikipedia’s free culture is realizing that is collaborative project. Wiki enables efficient collaboration. Even though many people are involved, the work is carried out as if one person is moving. The results are always upgraded to the latest version, and it is easy to restore to the old one. Also, wiki enables open and autonomous collaboration.  2. Intersting Point All contribute voluntarily as managers without the need for control or intervention by any particular person. Wiki enables sharing of information and knowledge. Wiki enables organized databases, which are rare to see in an open space. While openness to the Internet has enabled t...

Extra posting : how did wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors ?

Theoretically, women represent half of the human population, we also know that more than 90% of wikipedia editors are male. What image does wikipedia show of an encyclopedia in which mostly males contributed ? This cannot be called an universal encyclopedia. Let’s first take a look at the reasons why this gender gap exist, here is some of the most common answers. The website is not user friendly, women feel intimidated by the tones of discussions (conflict averse), they lack self confidence in editing (they see faillures when someone edit their articles) and finally they feel the website is mysogynistic. How did wikipedia counterattack these established or perceived barriers ? Arts + feminism is a non profit organization that organizes female focused edit-a-thons, a marathon of female focused editing. These kind of initiatives has made wikipedia more women friendly  environment by increasing the list of female authors, making it longer than female porn stars list. Editing in g...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? JaeIg Lee (이재익)

2014048595  Information Sociology  JaeIg Lee (이재익) Summary In the past, the entry barriers to programs were so high that they could not be used unless someone received professional education or had a lot of money. Lately, there have been a growing number of very useful and free programs, such as Linux's free music production programs, LMMS, and coding programs, Python. Wikipedia shares the ark with these open-sources. Lower barriers to entry enabled even interesting people to try, discover, and easily gain information. This may be a short-term financial break for developers, but in the long run it will pay off. For the entire human race, open-source is therefore a blessing. It creates a virtuous circle that gives opportunities to people who have no money, no education, and gives them the power to give back to society once they have the chance. There could be some copyright issues in this process. This may be educational, but at a high level, it will be even mor...

W7. Why Free Culture matters?

Why Free Culture matters? Summary and Interesting Point  I understand that free culture is a phenomenon in which the potential for creative cultural activities is realized by moving away from excessive protection of copyright. In my opinion,  the reason why free culture is so important is because it contributes to preventing society from being drawn down by being creative. Since the advent of the Web 2.0 era, barriers to entry into various production activities have been lowered. The number of content producers has grown exponentially, and we live in a much more diverse society than ever before. As production or creative activities become more active, society's flow chart quickly changes, and the cycle of " new " becomes " old " is also shortened. That is, something that has been valuable before quickly becomes unnecessary and unsuitable. So it became necessary to have an active creative activity.   Cultural creativity, however, is not a product of we...

W7 blog topic: Why Free Culture matters? - JongHoon Park

2012047790 박종훈 Free culture seems to be a topic to reconsider at a time when this fourth industrial revolution and IOT are called keywords.There is so much information on the Web, and so is the reality. Usually, the real information is available in books or type, but it can be in many forms on the Web, such as text, files, videos, and sounds. So the copyright looks more vague on the Web. Many people have not seemed to be sensitive about copyright and don't seem to care much about it, but as of 2018, probably no one knew the importance of copyright. But it is doubtful how effective copyright unconditional protection will work in this era of big data and the fourth industrial revolution. I think free culture is essential. Because I think I am the beneficiary of that free culture. For instance, I learned muscular exercise on youtube. It's one of my most interesting hobbies these days, and I haven't had much access to information from bodybuilders and bodybuilders fam...

Extra posting : How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors? Geonju Lee

The gender imbalance in Wikipedia is a big issue. Much of the editors are male, and this is reflected in the characteristics of Article. Whereas men's preferred articles are informative and organized, women's preferred articles have only a brief definition or lack information. It also showed that there are far more men's novelists and scientists registered on Wikipedia than women. To solve this problem, Wikipedia is launching a project to support its editor. It is called " Edit-a-thon, " and it is a project that learns how to write and creates new articles on Wikipedia. If you are not familiar with computers, you will have this training because it is difficult to post Wikipedia articles. The Korea Wikimedia Association also hosted the event. It is Pantasia Edit-a-thon in 2015 and Edit-a-thon in 2016. Education for women editors is a way to increase the number of female editors, and it is also an effort for gender equality in Wikipedia. For instance, documents ...

Extra posting : How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors? HanBin Bae

Usually, women use SNS more than men do. And I saw many women posting messages. For instance, Facebook and Instagram have a higher percentage of women. Promoting Wikipedia on such social networking sites would give more women access. I think it will increase the rate of Wikipedia usage.

W7: why free culture matters ? - Yun-Jin Kim

  The big problem that free culture has is that free culture is not equal. There is ‘producing’ people; creators, and there is ‘consumer’. If we live in free culture producing people always distribute their works freely and normal people consume the works without no hard.   Think about teamwork. If you work hard on your team project and your team mates are not working hard as you did but just agree with your hard and say thanks to you and that’s all. That would make you very depressed and worthless. And you could say your team mates are ‘free riders’. Same as free culture. No copyrights makes people use others own knowledge and own marks freely and thoughtlessly. This make chaos in our society and disorder. Free culture, of course, important and people should freely share and claim their opinion. But with out copyrights, there could be a non-protected people from the massive unprotected information. We have rights to protect creators from the massive world with no c...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? Geonju Lee

Information accessibility was enhanced with the development of media, and information utilization ranges and types were diversified. When a small number of people generate information and give it unilaterally on TV and radio, People recognize that the agenda being presented by the media is of prime importance and the correct one. On the other hand, as new media such as Facebook and Instagram become more accessible to anyone to create information and share information, the term " user " was coined rather than ‘inmate’. Several problems were revealed during the New Media era as free culture became popular. It is ‘Reliability’ and ‘Copyright’. First, you must think about how far you should trust information. Facebook, for instance, is spreading fake news on pages and accounts. Formats may look like articles, but they are often rumored or advertising. Problems arise because people have indiscriminate access to fake news. and Problems also arise from the high propagation charact...

W7: why free culture matters ?

Free culture is a trendy topic of the 21st century.  It is issued from the social movement of the same name that fight for the right to use and share freely what is at one’s disposition. Nowadays more and more people are convinced that sharing is the future, open source software have appeared, different application to share knowledge such as learning language, mathematics and other are created ....we realized that we can also learn from the people around us, and they with us. What keep us from sharing, use and re-use piece of work from someone else ? Copyrights. Copyrights is similar to property, it was created to acknowledge that this particuliar thing belong to someone else and thus if you want to use it you have to pay. But this is a capitalistic point of view, properties have sure developped production of countries but what about copyright ? At the light of the 2012 anti-copyright protest in the United State of America and in Europe, we can ask ourselves, are these copyrigh...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - KIM JUNG SEUNG

Firstable, What is tthe Free Culture? It is similar to how we download and use photos which uploaded to the Internet. But It can be a violation of the copyright. I could find this example in our realistic life. It is the Library. In Library, We can get the the Knowledge that we need by reading the book. There is the same example on the Internet. That is the Google's search function. I think this is the most representive example of Collective intelligence. When you search something you want, It shows the articles that the people posted on the blog. If you want, by clicking the image tabs, You can see the pictures about that. The another example is The Wikipedia. In Wikipedia, The data's detail (for example that's picture etc.. ) is uploaded. I can say this is the Free Culture. We live in a conveninet age. We can get the data by just doing search. But extortion of indiscriminate data should be suspended. Because some data may be paid. In short, The extortion of indisc...

Why free culture matters?-Tae Joon YOO 유태준

1. Summary Since childhood, learning about copyright concepts has not worked well. So it was very common for me to bring the work of others back to Facebook and my personal homepage and bring music with me. It was not until high school years that I learned that the absence of such concepts in copyright could not create the correct Internet culture. However, we can see that the claim to copyright may be expressed in other ways. Copyright has the opposite concept. Copyright literally means that each person can share and distribute copyrighted works freely without acknowledging ownership. It has the same aspect as a free cursor move. Free Culture Movement was implemented by Lawrence Lessig in 2005. The movement started in the sense that the limited copyright law prevents individuals from being free and creative. 2.intersting point There are pros and cons of acknowledging copyright. A pro-copyright opinion holds that the copyright must be recognized to be well rewarded for the crea...

Extra posting : How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors? / Why do people contribute to Wikipedia?. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

1. How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors?   Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia. Many people around the world have achieved unparalleled success through voluntary participation. Ironically, the participation of women in Wikipedia is very low. I think the disposition of the debate in Wikipedia is somewhat controversial. Women than men do not like to fight in discussions. Also, the information that comes up in Wikipedia is rich in male-centered content. On the other hand, there is little information related to the Nobel Prize for women or the rest of the women. This is because it is most likely that the person who edits Wikipedia's information is a white male in the United States.   In order to improve these women's participation, Wikipedia has made various efforts. First, editor-a-thon is held for the purpose of reinforcing women-related topics and women's editorial participation. In addition, the Wikipedia Tea House project h...

W7. Why Free Culture matters?. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

Why Free Culture matters? Information sociology 2015048986 천병헌 1. Summary   Free culture is very important to us in the 21st century. We need to know about free culture as we adapt to the Internet culture and use it freely. Free culture is related to the free culture movement. The Free Culture Movement is a social movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works using free content on the Internet and other media. Only a few years ago, copyright on content was strict. People have proposed laws about copyright. And if these things were not followed, they would be punished. However, as the Internet developed, people began to publish their own information and knowledge. So this movement is against the excessive copyright law. Some people argue that overly restrictive copyright laws hinder creative action. As a result of these movements, creations such as movies, drama or reports are shared with people. People also publish and share information in ...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Jonghyup Kim

Free culture I think that circulation and production of information in information society is similar to capital circulation in capitalism. I think that the free culture of information will cause the same wave as Marx's communist revolution. The revolution has historically failed. But I think it was a matter of time. I think that a free culture of information should be accompanied when information is available and accessible to everyone. In that sense, the free culture movement is a movement to change the world. But if the whole society does not follow the movement, it will not be successful either. I do not think there will be many people who can give up their rights to their works.  The culture of paying for content or creations has not been long. The idea of ​​free culture is good, but I think it is too early. What do you think? Jonghyup Kim

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Choi Sojeong

Every day we can see new creations on the Internet. But we can see familiar music and images in new creations. Is it neglect of copyright law? I'm also interested in seeing new creations. If the creations are removed due to copyright laws, we will only see very limited information. So the 'Free culture movement group' says that excessive copyright laws interfere with creative activities. Then, they say what is excessive copyright laws? In 2102, anti-copyright protests took place in the USA and Europe. Similarly, many Internet sites went on strike that year. Google also added the phrase "Don't censor the Web." The protests were caused by against SOPA and PIPA. The USA department of justice has also decided to block overseas sites for copyright violation. Internet sites, human right groups, users refute that freedom of expression and creative activity would be hampered. In the end, the vote on the bill was postponed. There is also a controversy over copyri...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Hyerim Won

Free culture brings up the idea of copyright.  Copyright is becoming more controversial as the use of social networking sites has increased. However, Wikipedia, which is freely available regardless of copyright, has little to do with this controversy. After all, the CCL (Creative Commons license) has become a hot topic of conversation recently. It distinguishes between people who will freely share their creations and people who will protect them. That is, a content copyright may attach certain conditions to its work, and under these conditions, make it freely available to anyone. In other words, it guarantees the freedom of both the creator and the user. Rather than excessive copyright law, it is expected that sharing can be activated by leaving it to the creators to set it up freely.  Then, our lives can be enriched as we experience various cultures. It is similar to Wikipedia's direction. You could see that last class. Most Wikipedian participate in Wikipedia with the sig...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Seron Kim

In the 21st century society in which we live, information is one of the most important parts of our lives. Information has very high value. We interact with others and share information and broaden our knowledge. And in the society we live in, the importance of free culture is getting bigger and bigger. Free Culture is freedom to distribute and modify creative works using free content on the Internet and other media. Free Culture means free communication in opposition to excessive copyright laws.   A typical example of Free Culture is Wikipedia. Wikipedia can add and edit any information anywhere, anytime, anywhere in the world. People have easy access to it, and anyone can modify and supplement information as needed. Anyone can freely use this information. This is the advantage of free Culture.   But it can be a problem for people to distribute and use information indiscriminately. Examples include using information on Wikipedia and pretending to do it himsel...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Clément Chevallier

What is free culture? Free culture is related to copyright. The goal is to promote the freedom to distribute and modify creative works using free content on the Internet and other media. Wikipedia is a good example of what is free culture. The notion of culture is sometimes blurry, because culture includes a lot of things: knowledge, arts, entertainments… I think culture should be available for everyone. Culture is paramount because it is a part of the personal but also the national identity. That’s why you can’t really integrate a society without culture. The access to culture is sometimes difficult, because some cultural activities are expensive, like the theater or the museums for example...  Some governments try to implement a free or cheap culture policy accessible to everyone. For example, in France, some museums are free for people under 26 years old. Collective intelligence is a new form of free culture. For example, people contribute to Wikipedia because they think free...

Extra posting : How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors? / Why do people contribute to Wikipedia? They are not getting paid...- ChaeHyeon Lee

How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors? Wikipedia has made a debate about women. Edit-a-thons recently featured specific topics on women, such as "Female Neuroscientists in Australia" and "Jewish Women." The people who start editing and the active people all start with their own interests. Therefore, by increasing the debate on topics that women are interested in or women, Wikipedia tried to improve women's participation. Wikipedia also launched the "Wikipedia TeaHouse" project to increase the participation rate of women by making the environment more comfortable for new users, and the proposal to create a women's space was not created because of the opposite. As such, Wikipedia has made a great effort to increase the number of female participants. Why do people contribute to Wikipedia? They are not getting  paid... However, Wikipedia makes it possible to actively discuss rather than accept unconditional acceptance. ...

Extra posting: How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors? / Why do people contribute to Wikipedia? They are not getting paid...- Yeonju Heo

How did Wikipedia tried to improve the number of women editors?  I looked at how Wikipedia worked to increase the number of women editors. Wikimedia has acknowledged the existence of gender bias in the Wikipedia project. The number of women editors was significantly less than that of male editors. The 2011 New York Times article cited "obsessive fact-loving realm", "hard-driving hacker crowd", and "an open approach to those who can not afford it" as a deterrent factor to women editors. In addition, Wikimedia has found various reasons why women do not edit Wikipedia. Among them, there are reasons that Wikipedia's culture was uncomfortably sexist and male-centered. Wikimedia has made a variety of efforts to acknowledge and solve the problem. Among them, there is 'edit-a-thon'. This event includes various issues such as gender disparity, women history, and feminism. Through this, we wanted to reduce the gender gap and encourage women editors ...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - ChaeHyeon Lee

Why Free Culture matters? Free culture is related to copyright. If you search for ‘Free Culture in Wikipedia, you can find a free culture movement. The Free Cultural Movement is a social movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works using free content on the Internet and other media. The movement opposes excessive copyright laws. Many participants in this movement argue that overly restrictive copyright laws hinder creative activity. Wikipedia is a free, licensed content that anyone can edit, use, modify and distribute.   The organization associated with the Free Culture is the ‘Creative Commons’ founded by Lawrence Lessig. The Creative Commons license (CCL) is a pre-authorization mark of work distributed here If any creator keeps certain conditions for his or her creation, it can be used anytime. Constant conditions may set the terms of use of the work as desired by the creator. The direction that Creative Commons pursues is to create a socie...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Yeonju Heo

Wikipedia is free culture. When uploading material to Wikipedia, people upload copyright-free files. Anyone can use Wikipedia resources free of charge. And it can be freely distributed.   I think free culture very important and necessary, especially in a society where information is money. It is important that copyright is kept. But free culture is also important. If we have to buy all the information and materials with money, who can get them easily? If all cultures are tied to money, culture will no longer become a culture and become a property of a particular class. So, free culture is important. And it does not alienate anyone. Free culture can give equal opportunity to all. Free fonts and free ppt templates are great for students. Free software is useful for those who do not have the money to buy software. Freedom to share creative information leads to a richer culture. Wikipedia is. If people had to pay to see Wikipedia's information, people would not use Wikiped...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Solène Huille

First, what is free culture? Free culture promotes the freedom to distribute and modify works of the mind in the form of free works using the Internet or sometimes other forms of media Nowadays, there are less and less things you don’t have to pay to have it. Indeed, you need to pay for different kinds of things, even on the Web: when you want to listen music, to watch movie, to read a book or an article. It is normal because you consider the copyright. But, having free culture permits to give access to all to the culture. For example, in France, we have some museums free for young people, under 26 years old, and I think it is very important to encourage young people to be more curious and have more knowledge. On the Web, I think it is quite similar. If there is no free culture, there will be some issues, such as illegal downloading and disinterest for some topics. Wikipedia offers a free content, moreover people who contribute are not paid. This is very interesting to notice...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Sujin Park

In class, we studied about free culture. Creative Commons License is one of the example. I uploaded some pictures in Wikicommons. But it was so hard work because there is no free picture of my subject. So I searched a lot of time to find what I want.  Internet copyright is greatly ignored in South Korea. Koreans often use fonts, pictures, and videos that are posted on the Internet without permission. The reason for this is that the wording on the use of copyright is weak. So people are using it as they please without revealing the source. I think it is necessary to clarify the free and pay and copyright on this point. Koreans must strengthen their perception of copyright. What kind of things we can do for this? Promotion of copyright must be strengthened. The promotion of copyright is currently inadequate. Because of this, people sometimes do not know the concept of copyright itself. I think the most important part is promoting copyright.  I think this should be do...

W7. Why Free Culture matters?-Ji Young An

First I saw this topic, I was not sure about what free culture means. I was confused it is meaning using Wikipedia for free or it is meaning using Wikipedia from our free will. But after having time of thinking, I choose to write about our free will of using Wikipedia. In my case, I encounter Wikipedia because of this class. But lots of people in Wikipedia are using Wikipedia because they want to do it. (using including writing and editing either) What make those people pay their time and effort in Wikipedia without any rewards? I took notice to their pure intentions and desire to participate in making collective intelligence. First, I think that some people use Wikipedia with their pure intentions to let people know right knowledge. They couldn't ignore inappropriate knowledge is floating and people trust that inappropriate knowledge. It is kind of similar to pure scholarly ambition. Second, I think that people want to participate in making collective intelligence. They want to ...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - HanBin Bae

Cultural Creation is not a creation of nothing but a chain of additional mental activities based on existing creations, and therefore a wide range of social sharing of existing creations can be realized to create an active free culture world.  Free culture is the freedom to distribute and modify creative works as free content using the Internet and other media. You can freely express your thoughts, become rich in your thoughts, and look at the world from many perspectives.  But without such a free culture, people will find it hard to make their claims known. In addition, information will be narrowed and communications will be limited. Limited information and communication will narrow your view to people and miss many experiences and opportunities. I think it is necessary to further develop the free culture through the free culture movement. This free culture plays an important role in our world.

W7. Why Free Culture Matters?

1. Summary  Why is free culture important? This is deeply related to copyright. The best way to learn about free culture is to learn about the free culture movement. The Free Cultural Movement is a social movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works using free content on the Internet and other media. This movement opposes excessive copyright laws. Free culture is deeply related to Creative Commons. Generally, many countries use six licenses from Creative Commons. BY-NC, BY-NC-ND, BY-NC-SA, BY-ND, and SY-SA. 2. Interesting Point  As I said above, I think that the free culture movement soon leads to the problem of intellectual property rights. I have seen this as an example of a 3D printer. 3D printer's intellectual property debate is the most in the case of drawings. Drawings and modeling files created by CAD or other programs are used indiscriminately without the author's permission. Overseas, there is a robot called Dreadnought from Warhammer...

W7 blog topic: Why Free Culture matters? - Yurang Wi

  In my mind, the word "free culture" can be construed concretely as freeware, open source, creative common license(CCL) etc. Why these free cultures are usable and significant in this society? Because, they massively contribute to development of new creators into the world. Based on these open source, creators can develop their production and it gives a new and powerful impulse to the other's. And this process is the source that move the society advanced level. Below are a few simple examples of free culture. 1. Fonts * *배달의민족-글꼴/ These are a free distribution fonts including commercial use. People can use these fonts for their own artwork, PPT, products and so on. 2. Open source software * Anybody including developers, scholars, students can use this program for implementing their study and cultivate their ability to programming language. 3. Images/Icons *...

W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Cho ji won

1.Summary 3D printing is done through the STL file created by modeling. This STL file can be shared on the Internet. In other words, until now, only 'information' about an object has been shared. Anyone can print drawings with 3D printer.  Since it is copying to tangible objects, it is now necessary to define copyright for 3D drawings. Since the object to be scanned is a work, the act of printing a 3D drawing using a 3D scanner corresponds to "reproduction" under copyright law. Therefore, without permission of the original author, the 3D scanner using the 3D scanner for the work or the sharing of the drawing on the Internet are all infringements of copyright.  Because of this, intellectual property rights should more reliably regulate unauthorized reproduction of 3D drawings. This is because the drawings that the inventor has patented should be distributed to people without any value and should not be made commercially. I think it is necessary to have rules that c...

W7 blog topic: Why Free Culture matters? - MinSeung Sung

W7 blog topic: Why Free Culture matters? - MinSeung Sung 2016062706 Many things in our society are paid for and have copyright. You have to pay money to use various materials such as photos, dramas, movies, and theses, which is taking for granted. However, there is a place where free services are maintained in this social climate. It is Wikipedia. Since its establishment, Wikipedia has provided information to users around the world for free. And all operations are voluntary and donation. In capitalist society, this is seen as a very unusual example. Usually, in a materialistic society, we would have the prejudice that the information that pays for itself is more valuable. So why is it important to be offered free? I think it's because the ' free ' attribute rather makes culture free. Wikipedia, a prime example, allows people to edit their interests and create pages at any time. If it was paid, would they volunteer to volunteer? I think the answer is no. And it was enough ...

W6. How important is to be civil online on the Internet? - Kim Byung Chan

1. Summary The open source software process is a non-confusing freedom that everyone has equal rights and influence. Collaboration through OPSS is a process of co-creation. The use of the term collaborative culture refers to a set of assumptions, values, meanings, and behaviors related to working together within a community.   All articles should strive for provable accuracy. Unreferenced data may be removed, So references should be provided. Wikipedia is not the place to put your personal opinions, experiences or debates. Wikipedia works by building consensus. Respect other contributors, and do not infringe copyright. You should also avoid prejudice. Wikipedia has to have a neutral perspective. Act in good faith, do not interrupt Wikipedia, explain the gist and believe in the goodwill of others.   If you do not agree, you should respect other Wikipedia users and become citizens. Also avoid concerns, personal attacks and comprehensive generalizations. Inte...

W6. How important is it to be civil online on the Internet? - Jaeig Lee (이재익)

Summary  Unlike real society, it is easy to hide one's true identity on the Internet. In many cases, people are less concerned about social status and morality in real life, and are more likely to show that. On the Internet, people gather, argue and create their own society like reality. In Korea, people who talk bad words and cause conflicts on the Internet are commonly called 'keyboard warriors'. Their presence reminds us of the importance of having a sense of citizenship on the Internet. Keyboard warriors hurt other people and damage community atmosphere. Internet society seems to be the place where it is more easily expressed than in real life. In real life, people learn about social ethics, face to face with people, and try to minimize conflicts. However, given anonymity, people are hurting one another, forgetting that the Internet is also a society. I don't think anonymity is a disgrace to citizenship. Activities such as voting and petition will also be made a...