W7. Why Free Culture matters? - Sun Bo Sim
1. Summary
I think that free culture is culture
related to versatility that can be freely used by all people like Wikipedia. I
think this culture has come up especially with the development of the Internet.
There are many concepts related to free culture on the Internet. The free
cultures that I know of are open source, copyleft, and open APIs. Except for
copyleft, it is quite related to internet and I think that Wikipedia is also
part of free culture. It is an API that allows Internet users to directly develop
application programs and services without being unilaterally provided with web
search results and user interface (UI). Map services and various services are
being tried, and anyone can access and use them. It is important that both
share something and share information
Free culture is important in terms of
sharing information. Today, the importance of information is rising to such an
extent that the term information gap emerges. A person with a lot of
information is a person with strength and a person who is important. That is
why a free culture that allows everyone to get equal information is important
2. Interesting Point
The interesting thing is that people can
share information as easily as many people try to edit without wishing to pay
for it on Wikipedia. I think the reason is for my own satisfaction. Because of
the reputation and trust that you can get by providing information, people are
happy to provide information.
3. Discussion Point
I think that a platform where people share
knowledge and information in the name of free culture should be developed more
and more. Platforms that simply acquire knowledge, such as Wikipedia, are
accessible, but others think they are still lacking and need to discuss for the
development of a free culture.
I also think more platforms should be developed where people are free to share knowledge and information. The more of these platforms, the greater will be the effect of interaction through collective intelligence among people.