W6. How important is it to be civil online on the Internet? - Jaeig Lee (이재익)


 Unlike real society, it is easy to hide one's true identity on the Internet. In many cases, people are less concerned about social status and morality in real life, and are more likely to show that. On the Internet, people gather, argue and create their own society like reality. In Korea, people who talk bad words and cause conflicts on the Internet are commonly called 'keyboard warriors'. Their presence reminds us of the importance of having a sense of citizenship on the Internet. Keyboard warriors hurt other people and damage community atmosphere. Internet society seems to be the place where it is more easily expressed than in real life. In real life, people learn about social ethics, face to face with people, and try to minimize conflicts.
However, given anonymity, people are hurting one another, forgetting that the Internet is also a society. I don't think anonymity is a disgrace to citizenship. Activities such as voting and petition will also be made anonymously, and violent opinions will be screened out through the self purifying act. On the Internet, however, people do not have a strong sense of citizenship and therefore self purifying act do not work. Having a sense of citizenship seems to make a big difference between reality and the Internet.

Interesting Point

 In my case, it closely resembles reality and does not participate in the debate well, but keeps a watchful attitude. But the majority of people have often witnessed a more open and aggressive appearance. This difference seems to be a very interesting and interesting point.

Discussion Point

 Such as Korea's '일베' and Japan's 2ch, right-wing community members cause problems oftenly using anonymity to express violent behavior. Didn't they originally seem violent and moral? Is it true that in real life, citizens are free from the mask of anonymity and living as citizens?


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