W6. How important is to be civil online on the Internet? - Kim Byung Chan
1. Summary
The open source software process is a non-confusing freedom that everyone has equal rights and influence. Collaboration through OPSS is a process of co-creation. The use of the term collaborative culture refers to a set of assumptions, values, meanings, and behaviors related to working together within a community.
All articles should strive for provable accuracy. Unreferenced data may be removed, So references should be provided. Wikipedia is not the place to put your personal opinions, experiences or debates. Wikipedia works by building consensus. Respect other contributors, and do not infringe copyright. You should also avoid prejudice. Wikipedia has to have a neutral perspective. Act in good faith, do not interrupt Wikipedia, explain the gist and believe in the goodwill of others.
If you do not agree, you should respect other Wikipedia users and become citizens. Also avoid concerns, personal attacks and comprehensive generalizations. Interest in understandable or less biased claims is core of Wikipedia's cooperative culture.
We can dare to edit, move and modify the article. This should be a goal, don’t want perfection. You do not have to worry about making mistakes. In most cases, you will not be able to destroy Wikipedia because previous versions of your articles will be kept. So we can welcome the beginners openly.
Wikipedia allows us to freely use our knowledge in the form of an unprecedented encyclopedia. It is not possible for beginners to be fully familiar with Wikipedia's policies, standards, styles, and communities before editing.
Wikipedia's technology also increases patience, because you can always roll back changes without fear of permanent corruption. Respect other participants. Wikipedia contributors come from different countries and cultures and have different perspectives. Respecting others is the key to effective encouragement in making encyclopedias.
Wikipedia should still be civil and respectful. This means personal attacks, rudeness, and avoiding aggressive behavior that interferes with the project and creates unproductive stress and conflict. When our effort fails, we all lose.
A collaborative design requires a humorous architect. Wikipedia is supposed to be fun. Humor is a way of restoring balance when an essentially controversial and uninteresting activity, such as fighting, troll identification, and political article deletion are occured.
Therefore, technology and the collaboration culture of the community is an important factor in determining the future.
2. Intertinging point
I found out in this article that I do not have to worry about making mistakes in Wikipedia. In most cases you will not be able to destroy Wikipedia because the previous version of the article is kept. I have been modifying various articles so far. When revising articles, I had a long-standing worry that there was no wrong information and tried to add as much objective information as possible. I did not know that Wikipedia had the technology to filter out the wrong information. A small number of messages came to my Wikipedia ID. It was that the articles I edited had returned to their original state. I could see that this altered the wrong information. Of course, even with this technology, I will try to add objective information.
3. Discussion
Since Wikipedia has a technology that can reverse the wrong information, even beginners can add and edit articles. But beginners do not know if there is such a skill. I think the interface of Wikipedia needs to be kinder, since it is inconvenient for beginners to use.
Also, the objectivity of information can change over time. This can be faster for people than technology. However, if technology recognizes it as incorrect information, it can return it to its original state. I think people need to think about how they can respond to this situation.
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