W7. Why Free Culture matters? Geonju Lee

Information accessibility was enhanced with the development of media, and information utilization ranges and types were diversified. When a small number of people generate information and give it unilaterally on TV and radio, People recognize that the agenda being presented by the media is of prime importance and the correct one. On the other hand, as new media such as Facebook and Instagram become more accessible to anyone to create information and share information, the term " user " was coined rather than ‘inmate’.

Several problems were revealed during the New Media era as free culture became popular. It is ‘Reliability’ and ‘Copyright’. First, you must think about how far you should trust information. Facebook, for instance, is spreading fake news on pages and accounts. Formats may look like articles, but they are often rumored or advertising. Problems arise because people have indiscriminate access to fake news. and Problems also arise from the high propagation characteristics of new media. It is difficult to identify the fake news, and it is difficult to catch the producer because the source of the fake news is ambiguous.

Secondly, free culture is more likely to suffer copyright infringements. It also has copyright in design, logo, and name. However, in a free culture, the problem is that a person's creations are copied without permission because they are free of charge. Someone takes pictures that others have uploaded, and posts them as if they were his work. The same is true of music. Since many people can download and share and download music files without permission, it is likely that its copyright will be violated.

It is a good way to develop the scope and power of users as free culture becomes popular. However, new problems arise, such as trust and copyright infringements. It shows that although technology has evolved, people's consciousness has not grown. Users should be able to protect their Web ethics with a responsibility so that they can protect their rights and other people's rights.


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