W12. Discuss Reagle's chapter 6 Yun-Jin Kim
In this chapter saying
how important leader is. Each team has a leader and followers. Good leader makes
good team.
so does wikipedia is a teamwork, Wikipedia
leader is Wikipedia founder Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales. Of course there are some
followers to help leaders behind; Admins, ArbCom, and the Board. These make a team,
they corporate, discuss, debate in Wikipedia. The prominent leader of an open
content community is sometimes characterized as a benevolent dictator. An
informal benevolent dictator serves to gently guide the community, to mediate
internal disputes between those of good faith, and to defend against those
acting in bad faith.
It was very
interesting what Wales said, Wikipedia is not an anarchy, though it has
anarchistic features, Wikipedia is not a democracy, though it has democratic
features. Wikipedia is not an aristocracy, though it has aristocratic features.
Wikipedia is not a monarchy, though it has monarchical features.
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