W12. Discuss Reagle's chapter 6 - ChaeHyeon Lee
1. Summary
This chapter covers the " exclusive " form of leadership in which dictatorial power is exercised. Leaders often convince by persuasion and example, but they have accumulated charismatic authority from their strengths. A prominent leader has the unofficial character of a "benevolent dictator" and may sometimes act in dictatorial politics. The prominent leaders of the open content community are sometimes characterized as benevolent dictators. However, the leaders of autocratic actions exceeded their accumulated merit or charisma, sometimes referred to as "idiosyncrasy credits" or "reputation shares," risk their status and a forking of the community. Leaders who follow carefully and continue to make important contributions are given the title "dictator". Given the voluntary and capable nature of an open content community, it is not surprising that leadership is expected to exercise leadership based on exemplary behavior. Leadership comes from actions rather than commitment.
As Wikipedia sometimes fall short of its ideals, Wales and other leaders equally share a significant portion of its widely publicized mistakes because of Wikipedia’s prominence and a counter-culture of message boards that thrive on complaint and conspiracy. The "Administrators" page emphasizes that everyone is an equal editor. Wikipedia culture is important to equality of administration responsibility, but it does not mean that there is no leader. Administrators are not given special privileges, and in terms of editing responsibilities, everyone else and equivalent administrators have no special authority other than to apply decisions made by all users.
As a common norm of Wikipedia, the role of socializing others is expressed as a core function of being an administrator. Despite its good-faith collaborative culture, its egalitarian ethos, and its openness, Wikipedia has been shaped by authorial leadership. An informal benevolent dictator serves to gently guide the community, to mediate internal disputes between those of good faith, and to defend against those acting in bad faith.
2. Interesting things
In the early days of Wikipedia all users acted as administrators and in principle they still should. Any user can behave as if they are an administrator, provided that they do not falsely claim to be one, even if they have not been given the extra administrative functions. Users doing so are more likely to be nominated as full administrators by members of the community and more likely to be chosen when they are finally nominated.
Administrators and general users are similar. Administrators contribute to creating Wikipedia just like users. Also, users will be working on Wikipedia like administrators. I think that the vagueness of the boundaries between users and administrators can be an advantage of Wikipedia. Anyone can freely use and act on Wikipedia. To the extent that you can do it, you can act like a administrator rather than delay. It will make it possible to act positively even if it is not granted.
3. Discussion
An informal benevolent dictator serves to mediate internal disputes between those of good faith, and to defend against those acting in bad faith. But problems may arise when a person is more responsible than he or she can do alone. How can we solve the dilemma of responsibility for the word contradictory, benevolent dictatorship, in Wikipedia?
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