W5 Reagle's article -Tae Joon YOO
information is a product of collective intelligence. Therefore, the information
may not be accurate. To solve this, Wikipedia has several devices. What we know
before this article is the reference and link function of Wikipedia. This will
give credibility to uncertain information due to group intelligence. In
addition, in this article, we were able to find out about the device of full
agreement. Increase accuracy in articles through agreement on ambiguous
I did a lot of Wikipedia editing, but I was not familiar with the
function of consensus. This made this article interesting. Without agreement on
information, the article would be merely an individual opinion. Then the
Wikipedia article is reduced to personal statement, not information that others
can refer to. However, it is very difficult for many to agree on any
information or opinion and impossible for everyone to agree. In this regard, a
system was prepared to reach an agreement by introducing the voting function.
What's unique is that when you vote, you pay attention to your opinion rather
than the high number of votes. This is not what we generally know about voting.
In this regard, I thought Wikipedia's efforts for accuracy and reliability were
unique and novel.
It is natural that when people get together and disagreement arises. It is extremely difficult to overcome such disagreements and reach an agreement, and it takes a lot of time and effort. Right opinions may be ignored, and inaccurate and ambiguous opinions may be preferred by the public. " Consensus" can be very dangerous in that respect. There are many historical examples of problems caused by Consensus. Can an Consensus be the most appropriate way? Is there a better way to increase reliability and accuracy?
It is a very good point. Today, people are very interested in online collaboration. Conflict can arise in this process. In order to solve these problems in the most efficient and democratic way, "consensus" is needed. I thought at first that the consensus was the same as voting. I also thought that it was a consensual decision to make in accordance with the principle of majority rule. In this chapter, however, consensus means paying attention to opinions, not the number of votes. I personally think that consensus is the most important way to resolve various conflicts. In today's society, results are more important than process. By doing so, people get confused and go in a completely different direction. Therefore, I think that it is most important to emphasize the process rather than the result and listen to the opinions of people in this controversy.