W12. Discuss Reagle's chapter 6 - JaeIg Lee (이재익)
Information Sociology
2014048595 JaeIg Lee (이재익)
This week we covered the theme of the Benevolent Dictator.The Benevolent Dictator is a title granted to a small number of open source software developers. Many are project founders who can ultimately conclude when there is an argument within the community. It is said that this phrase was first used in 1995 to refer to Python founder Guido Van Rossum.
They are somehow similar to many of Wikipedia's contributors. They spend their time and effort at no cost and provide convenience to others. Many of Wikipedia's contributors also invest their time and effort at no cost.If the difference is different, they build and distribute their own worlds through their knowledge and design without consultation. In case of Python, it was designed to be user friendly.
This includes the developers of Linux. A music program called 'LMMS' developed by Linux is also a product of Benevolent Dictator's contribution.
Interesting Point
I think the world has changed a lot by lowering the entry barriers. Will the world change more quickly if we let people experience all of the programs on a limited scale?
Discussion Point
How far should Benevolent Dictator be responsible for the program he created? How much responsibility should be placed on non-revenue-generating programs?
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