W12 blog topic: Discuss Reagle’s chapter 6 - Dong Joon, Yoo

Dong-Joon, Yoo

1. Summary

Open, civil, egalitarian, deliberative: these are some of the concepts encountered in the pursuit of a universal encyclopedia. In addition to these features, Wikipedia is characterized by leadership. Wikipedia has been shaped by authorial leadership. This chapter shows an “authorial” form of leadership whereby exceptional autocratic power is exercised by a respected “author” within an open content community. Wikipedia is an open content community that anyone can join. However, Wikipedia is not an anarchy, democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy. Because of the voluntary and meritocratic character of open content communities it is not surprising that leaders are expected to lead by example as their very leadership is founded upon exemplary behavior; leadership emerges through action rather than appointment.
Two of the most influential people in the history of Wikipedia are cofounders Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales. Jimmy Wales is referred to as a benevolent dictator. No matter how open the community, you need someone to control the minimum dispute. There is still a debate about whether the model of "benevolent dictatorship" is right, and whether the role of constitutional monarchy is right.

2. Intersting Point

I was amazed at the fact that Wikipedia, an open content community, has the character of leadership and that there is a dictator. While the word dictator may be a bit negative, it has existed in Wikipedia as a benevolent dictator. Like a real society, Wikipedia needs a leader.

3. Discussion Point

So what is the dictator's role and responsibility in Wikipedia? What are the rewards and the benefits they actually get?


  1. I think they don't get concrete rewards and benefits, they just know that it's mandatory to have someone who control some contents and discussions and so they do it to save the community and the existence of Wikipedia and every users are or should be grateful for that.


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