Discuss Reagle's Chapters 1-2 - Hyerim Won
1. Summary
Wikipedia is both a community and an encyclopedia on the cyber space. Wikipedia is said to be a cooperative community based on 'good faith'. On this basis Wikipedia shares “the sum of all knowledge”. Although there were failures before the Wikipedia project, Wikipedia has been successful in its free, open-source encyclopedia that has long been studied in terms of accessibility, cost and cooperation.
2. Interesting Point
In other words, Wikipedia has a meaning for collecting information in one place based on good faith. I found that one interesting. It is what happens in cyberspace. We naturally use cyber space, but it is amazing to know that it is the encyclopedia of cyber space, which is an infinite world. The functional aspects of cyber space were also interesting. Information can be obtained very easily from external links or footnotes(said typical function of wiki) on the definitions and heated discussions we would like to know. It is just amazing that information exchange and discussion takes place in virtual spaces.
3. Discussion
However, it raises a question of professionalism. If you search for a keyword, I've often seen it appear in the page that requires professional attention.
Can it give people trust? Wouldn't there be a big ripple effect if we received the information without any doubt?
I agree with you. If there is such a tag on the information I found, I would not trust it and would look for other information. The impact will be great because there are many people using Wikipedia all over the world. It is likely that the text will be improved through discussion or warning functions. However, since insufficient content is continuously exposed during that time, the more influential the topic will be. -JiWon Min(민지원)