
Blog Assignment 3: Politiacal Globalization / KIM JUNG SEUNG / late added

Summary Political globalization refers to the amount of political co-operation that exists between different countries. This ties in with the belief that “umbrella” global organizations are better placed than individual states to prevent conflict. The League of Nations established after WW1 was certainly one of the pioneers in this. Since then, global organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations (UN), and more regional organizations such as the EU have helped to increase the degree of political globalization. Interesting Almost all of the world is organized by a single type of unit : the nation-state. And also, state sovereignty a central part of global society and the sovereign state is the most desirable way to structure political life. Discussion Then how do the poor nations like the United States and China agree on political cooperation?

Blog assignment 4. What is the relation between economics and globalization / KIM JUNG SEUNG

Summary Globalization refers to the integration among societies and economies across the globe. The process of globalization ensures the integration individual national economies with the global economy. International economic relations play an important role in the growth of economies across the world. For economic relations between nations to be successful, a number of conditions need to be fulfilled. Unrestricted movement of goods and services, flow of capital, mobility of workforce, and reduction of regulatory obstacles need to be ensured for successful economic relations.  Globalization has played an important role in fostering economic relations among nations across the world. In the era of globalization, countries have realized that economic co-operation with other nations is strategically important for the growth of the economy. Interesting  Globalization ensures easier movement of goods and services across nations. This is an absolute necessity for fostering ...

What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Yurang Wi

Using the Wikipedia, there had some points of improvement. The first is that the reliance of users' behavior is unduly high. To be advanced constantly, Wikipedia need the effort of individual participants. It means that they have to attract all the time new contributors who afford to share their effort to Wikipedia. There has only a few way to achieve that, which means no marketing tools at Wikipedia, it has limits to expandability. I think it is one of the Wikipedia's current issues. The second is on funding. Most of Wikipedia' operating costs rely on contribution of users. Absence of clear source of funds might be an element of risk in future. If this stated issues are get solved, Wikipedia will still existing in future.

What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Sujin Park

I think Wikipedia will still exist in the future. But I think Wikipedia needs to be competitive in a capitalist society. There are some things that can make Wikipedia more attractive, including a clean interface and specialized administrators. Wouldn't it be better to introduce competitive methods such as advertising and investment? The fourth industrial revolution has arrived. Wikipedia's information in the big data arena is very competitive. This is because it is a credible information that is recognized by many people. Of course not all writings are like that. In this regard, many professional managers will need to keep an eye on the text and ask it to be revised or removed if it is unreliable.

W15. What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Clément Chevallier

Since 2001, people can search information on Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia evolved a lot during these 17 previous years. So the question of its future is interesting. Wikipedia is one of the most visited website in the world and has a big community. The encyclopedia can survive thanks to the support and the fidelity of this community. One of the key to continue to exist is to follow and adapt to new trends and new technologies. But it costs money and Wikipedia is dependant of donations from the users. Wikipedia can choose to keep this system and to count on the support of its community or change its business model to have other sources of wage. Infact, the question of having enough money to survive is paramount to determine if Wikipedia will exist in 20, 50 or 100 years. The existence of Wikipedia in the future depends also on the competition with other websites. Some websites will probably offer new form of collective intelligence. If they are more popular or easier to use, W...

W15. What is the future of wikipedia? Will it be exist in 20 years? - Dong-Joon, Yoo

Prior to the creation of Wikipedia, people had not gathered the information easily they needed. However, Wikipedia has given the character of collective intelligence to the Internet space, so that many people can collaborate and share opinions and develop information continuously. Wikipedia expanded its forces as soon as it launched its services in 2001, becoming a vast dictionary of more than 260 languages. The strength of Wikipedia is that it can update information in real time. As the number of participants increased, the amount of information became rich. The success of Wikipedia has also accelerated the emergence of various media. But there is also controversy. As the spread of false information increases, the credibility of information is questioned, and the level and accuracy of information raises many questions. There are also other threats. It is the emergence of smartphone. A recent Pew Research Center report found that 39 of the top 50 news sites received m...

W15 blog topic: What is the future of Wikipedia? Will it exist in 20 years? 50? 100? - Jong Hoon Park

As I have argued since the beginning of the semester, Wikipedia seems hard to maintain its reputation at least in Korea. In fact, Wikipedia was a success abroad, and it was hard to escape the hardships of Korea. It is true that this collective intelligence system is still new to our country, and the existence of alternatives such as the tree wikis may be one of the factors that has prevented our nation from succeeding. So in conclusion, the future in Korea looks uncertain. But outside of Korea, Wikipedia users are also growing, and a lot of progress is being made as many articles and materials are piling up. So clearly, Wikipedia will exist in the future, and it will improve. However, I am very concerned about Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a nonprofit organization and is run on sponsorship. So, it seems like there will be a difficult part in the end, a financial crisis, or a hard way to encourage participants. I personally wish Wikipedia would grow as a company. In the end, I thi...